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Carolyn Parrish A Force For Change In Mississauga

Carolyn Parrish: A Force for Change in Mississauga

From Ward 5 Councilor to Mayoral Candidate

Carolyn Parrish has dedicated her life to serving the residents of Mississauga. As a Ward 5 councilor, she has championed countless initiatives to improve the lives of her constituents. Now, she is running for mayor to bring her passion and commitment to the entire city.

Carolyn's platform is centered on three key pillars: affordability, sustainability, and community. She believes that Mississauga should be a place where everyone can thrive, regardless of their background or income. She is committed to making housing more affordable, investing in renewable energy, and creating a more inclusive and vibrant community.

Carolyn has a proven track record of getting things done. As a councilor, she has successfully advocated for increased funding for parks and recreation, improved public transit, and the construction of new affordable housing units. She is a tireless advocate for her constituents and is always willing to go the extra mile to make a difference.

On June 10, 2024, Carolyn Parrish was elected Mayor of Mississauga. Her victory is a testament to her hard work, dedication, and passion for the city. She is now ready to lead Mississauga into a brighter future.
